Carers Training
Becoming a Carer
New carers regardless of previous training are shadowed into the calls by an experience carer within the company, this is beneficial for us and the client as they can understand the clients’ routines and we can see their positives and what training they can benefit from. Carers might have received training through previous work, the minimum requirement from CQC is the care certificate, we encourage all our carers to enrol onto the NVQ level 2 & 3 which is paid for by the company, this helps carers to understand the importance of person-centred care and risks assessment. We do supervisions every three months as this helps management to understand what the carer is happy with and areas they might need help with. Staff morale is important within the care sector due to it being a demanding job, we support carers to speak out on how the company can support them.

The office staff are always involved within the day-to-day activities of providing care. They contact District nurses when required, will call GPs if an individual is living on their own and needs support, contact local authorities or NHS funding if we think you are entitled to the support.